(i) Place a few pieces of granulated zinc or zinc foil from the casing of an old dry cell in a
boiling tube; add 2 drops of copper sulphate solution. An alternative to the thistle funnel at
A is a syringe as shown at B. Pour enough 1 M sulphuric acid down the thistle funnel on to
the zinc to cover the bottom of the funnel tube. Discard the first two or three test tubes
of hydrogen, as they will contain displaced air. Collect test tubes of the gas and stopper
them. Test the third test-tube of gas by holding a lighted taper or splint over the mouth as
soon as you take out the stopper. Pure hydrogen burns with a quiet "pop" sound.
(ii) Alternatively, add sulphuric acid from a syringe. Gas cannot escape through the syringe
so you do not need to cover the tube of the syringe with acid.
(iii) Hydrogen burns in air to form water vapour. When hydrogen ignites in a dry test-tube,
note any vapour or mist on the sides of the test-tube.
(iv) Investigate whether hydrogen is lighter than air by "pouring" the gas into a test-tube
held either above the first tube or below it. Use a lighted taper to investigate where the
hydrogen has gone.
(v) Blow soap bubbles by holding the delivery tube of the apparatus in detergent or soap
solution. The hydrogen bubbles will rise into the air, showing the low density of hydrogen
sharon kalunda answered the question on April 12, 2019 at 07:22
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