Describe an experiment to show how Ethanol is broken down to Ethene.


Describe an experiment to show how Ethanol is broken down to Ethene.



Absorb ethanol on to cotton wool or asbestos wool and push this to the bottom of a hard
glass test-tube. In the middle of the test-tube pack small pieces of unglazed porcelain. Fit a
delivery tube to collect ethene gas over water. Have 3 test-tubes ready to collect ethene.
First heat the porous pot strongly and then gently warm the cotton wool to produce ethanol
vapour. This vapour will break down over the hot porous pot to produce ethene gas and
water vapour. The ethene is insoluble in water, unlike ethanol, and will collect in the testtubes.
Test the 3 samples by: (a) burning ethene; (b) shaking with a few drops of dilute
potassium permanganate solution made alkaline with sodium carbonate solution, the colour
should disappear; (c) shaking with a little bromine water, the colour again disappears.
Disconnect the delivery tube when you stop heating to avoid a suck back of water onto the
hot porous pot.
sharon kalunda answered the question on April 12, 2019 at 09:26

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