Begin by preparing your burette, as described on the burette page. Your burette should be
conditioned and filled with titrant solution. You should check for air bubbles and leaks,
before proceeding with the titration.
Take an initial volume reading and record it in your notebook. Before beginning a titration,
you should always calculate the expected endpoint volume.
Prepare the solution to be analysed by placing it in a clean Erlenmeyer flask or beaker. If
your sample is a solid, make sure it is completely dissolved. Put a magnetic stirrer in the
flask and add indicator. Use the burette to deliver a stream of titrant to within a couple of
mL of your expected endpoint. You will see the indicator change colour when the titrant hits
the solution in the flask, but the colour change disappears upon stirring.
Approach the endpoint more slowly and watch the colour of your flask carefully. Use a wash
bottle to rinse the sides of the flask and the tip of the burette; to be sure all titrant is
mixed in the flask.
As you approach the endpoint, you may need to add a partial drop of titrant. You can do
this with a rapid spin of a Teflon stopcock or by partially opening the stopcock and rinsing
the partial drop into the flask with a wash bottle. Ask your TA to demonstrate these
techniques for you, in the lab.
Make sure you know what the endpoint should look like. For phenolphthalein, the endpoint is
the first permanent pale pink. The pale pink fades in 10 to 20 minutes.
If you think you might have reached the endpoint, you can record the volume reading and
add another partial drop. Sometimes it is easier to tell when you have gone past the
When you have reached the endpoint, read the final volume in the burette and record it in
your notebook.
Subtract the initial volume to determine the amount of titrant delivered. Use this, the
concentration of the titrant, and the stoichiometry of the titration reaction to calculate
the number of moles of reactant in your analyte solution.
sharon kalunda answered the question on April 12, 2019 at 09:31
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Describe how Polymers are broken down to respective monomers.
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Describe an experiment to show how temperature affects the rate of a chemical reaction.
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- Describe an experiment to show that the rate of a reaction depends on the concentration of the react(s).(Solved)
Describe an experiment to show that the rate of a reaction depends on the concentration of the react(s).
Date posted: April 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe an experiment to show that the rate of a chemical reaction depends on the size of the particle of the reactant(s).(Solved)
Describe an experiment to show that the rate of a chemical reaction depends on the size of the particle of the reactant(s).
Date posted: April 12, 2019. Answers (1)
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Explain how soap is made from fats.
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Explain how titration of acids and bases is done in the laboratory.
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How is sulphur dioxide prepared in the laboratory?
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Describe an experiment to show how hydrogen is displaced from acids by different metals.
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- Describe how sodium reacts with water.(Solved)
Describe how sodium reacts with water.
Date posted: April 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe an experiment to show how copper is displaced from aqueous solution of copper ions.(Solved)
Describe an experiment to show how copper is displaced from aqueous solution of copper ions.
Date posted: April 12, 2019. Answers (1)