What problems can be encountered in an office as a result of computerization of operations?


Explain problems that can be encountered in an office as a result of computerization of operations.



(i) Boredom due to monotony of use of computers.

(ii) Inhibits/ limits creativity/ innovation since can't work without.

(iii) May lead to unemployment/ loss of jobs/ laying off of workers when computers replace workers.

(iv) Require electricity which is expensive.

(v) They are costly to buy/ install/ maintain.

(vi) Computers are prone to computer viruses which may lead to breakdown/ malfunctioning of the computer (software).

(vii) Confidential information may land into unauthorized hands through hacking.

(viii) Requires skilled/ trained manpower which is costly/ scarce.

(ix) There is need for back up storage which is expensive.

(x) It has adverse/ side effects on health for example, eye problem.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 12, 2017 at 05:12

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