(i) The British were supported by some of the local communities eg Somalia and Maasai soldiers so the Nandi warriors were outnumbered
(ii) The British used superior weapons such as repeat rifles while Nandi used spear and arrows
(iii) The British tricked the Nandi and used treacherous methods
For example in October 1905, the commander of the British troops in Nandi territory
Captain Meinerzhagen arranged to have a meeting with the Nandi Orkoiyot, Koitalel Arap Samoei when he had already arranged to kill him
The Orkoiyot was killed in cold blood by the British and this demoralized and weakened the Nandi
(iv) The British used scorched earth policy - They buried down the houses and food stores of the Nandi and confiscated their livestock
The Nandi were deprived of the sources of their livelihood and this forced them into submission
(v) Natural calamities, the small pox, epidemics that broke out in the 1890’s killed many people of the Nandi and weakened the survivors
(vi) Lack of transport from the neighbouring Kenyan communities such as Abaluyhia and Luo
lemass answered the question on April 13, 2019 at 05:50
- Outline five reasons why the Nandi resisted the imposition of the British colonial rule over their territory(Solved)
Outline five reasons why the Nandi resisted the imposition of the British colonial rule over their territory
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