Show the relationship between Physics, Other Subjects and Technology


Show the relationship between Physics, Other Subjects and Technology



1. Physics And Geography
- Accurate use of weather instruments like thermometer, wind vane, rain gauges etc. require physics knowledge.
- Concepts like heat transfer by convection which explain the formation of convectional rainfall and pressure variation can be best explained in physics.

2. Physics and Mathematics
- Many concepts in physics like laws, effects, principles etc. are expressed mathematically.
- Mathematical skills are therefore very instrumental in the leaning of physics

3. Physics and Chemistry
- Physics has helped in explaining the nature of particles within atoms and therefore atomic structure of substances.
- Atomic structure of different / various substances determine their reactivity (chemical reactions).

4. Physics and History
- Historians use carbon dating to establish ages of fossils and therefore past patterns of earlier life.
- This concept of carbon dating is explained better in atomic physics.

5. Physics and Home Science
- Physics knowledge is used in designing and manufacture of kitchen equipment e.g. electric cookers, microwave ovens, energy saving jikos etc.

6. Physics and Technology
- Machines used in the field of medicine such as x-rays, body scanners and lasers are all applications of physics.
- Manufacture and use of satellites and microwave dishes used in information technology to relay information is based on physics knowledge
- Physics knowledge is also used in defense industry in the manufacture and use of most modern and complex machines.

7. Physics and Biology
- Knowledge of lenses studied in physics has led to the manufacture of microscopes used in the study of the cell and diseases.

Wilfykil answered the question on April 13, 2019 at 07:54

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