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Define genetics as a source of information on history and government and identify the limitations of using the method.


Define genetics as a source of information on history and government and identify the limitations of using the method.



Genetics is the scientific study of how characteristics are passed from the parents to the offspring.
The limitations of using this method as a source of information are:
In the case of human beings, genetics cannot identify the original culture of mankind
Dating is a problem as it does not give the exact date of movement of human beings, plants and animals
It is very time consuming to study human beings, plants and animals
It is very difficult to locate the original place of the origin of human beings, plants and animals
Genetics may be inaccurate as climate may have affected the species and time
This method is expensive as it involves a lot of research

Dana05 answered the question on April 13, 2019 at 15:39

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