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Highlight and explain the theories advanced to explain the origin of man


Highlight and explain the theories advanced to explain the origin of man



The creation theory: where every religion has a story of how the earth came to be. The Jews, Christians and Muslims recognize the creation theory as narrated in the first book of the Bible and in the Quran. According to these accounts, God created man and woman and all things, living and nonliving.

The traditional or mythical theory: most African communities have a myth of their creation whose main point is that they were created by God. According to the Nandi for example, the first two people came from the knees of a giant. The knees began to swell and when they burst a man and woman came out. The two were the ancestors of the community. Although God is not mentioned, the presence of the giant might indicate a kind of god.

The evolution theory: this is a theory that asserted that man evolved from apelike ancestors through a natural process of gradual and continuous change from a lower simpler state to a better adapted and superior state or species.
Dana05 answered the question on April 13, 2019 at 15:41

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