Briefly discuss the Points to consider before writing imaginative essays.


Briefly discuss the Points to consider before writing imaginative essays.



-Events in an imaginative essay are not real but imagined.

-The writer should identify the purpose of writing the essay i.e to present an essay that is
interesting to the reader.

-They are meant to entertain but some may contain themes that inform or educate the reader.

Points to consider

1. Setting – the writer should decide where the story/ events take place. E.g in town, rural
arrears, in a forest, etc.

2. Plot – choose the plot for the events. A plot is a story line which sets out the logical order
in which the events will follow. Events may not follow a chronological order especially
when the writer uses flashbacks and foregrounding.

3. Choice of characters. Will be determined by roles assigned to them in the plot, and
setting. They should be suitable. E.g ogres or monsters are not realistic characters.

4. Themes. Theme refers to the main idea in the story. It should involve two or more people.
They are not stated but are implied.

5. Time. When the incidents take place should be stated clearly. Time is thought of in terms
of season, an historical era, post independence and contemporary time.

-It can also be thought of in terms of a time span e.g a week, or a year
6. The style -varies according to the purpose. e.g
i. metaphors
ii. similes
iii. personification
iv. dialogue- speech between two or more people.

v. Tense-is past tense, past perfect or past continuous. Other tenses can be used.

i. A beginning-which introduces the essay, gives the setting introduces

ii. The middle-body

Shows the progression and makes up the main body of the shows the challenges
involving the main character(s) and how the conflict is resolved.It provides the climax of the

iii. a conclusion-which signals end of an essay.
marto answered the question on April 15, 2019 at 05:46

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