Outline the points to consider when writing a report,contents and a sample of a report.


Outline the points to consider when writing a report,contents and a sample of a report.




- They should be clearly set out with headings and sub-headings where necessary.

- They should contain all the necessary details but avoid repetition of ideas.

- Reports should be written in an appropriate language ensuring correct sentence
structures, spelling and punctuation.

- Coherence. The report should be organized in such a way that the points are presented in
a logical manner for smooth flow of ideas. Related ideas should be put together. Avoid
the unnecessary details.

- Impartiality. Use the passive voice.

- Clarity- Go straight to the point. This ensures that the report is clear and ambiguities are

- The report should be relevant to the topic. It calls for a factual practical account.
Contents of a report

Heading – The report should have the title as a heading. It indicates what the report is all about.

Introduction – It gives: the scope of the report, terms of reference, background information and
a brief description of the methods used during the investigation. It consists of:

- what the report is about

- where the investigation was carried out

- the people who participated

- why it was necessary

- who commissioned the investigation

Terms of reference – This section states the specific purpose of writing the report and the scope.
This shows the range of coverage.

Procedure – This section gives the information on how the data was collected e.g. it may have
been collected through questionnaire or an interview schedule or document analysis or test or
focus group discussion.

Findings: Involves the outcome of the information collected after its analysis. Say what you
observed in the field. Write in the past tense.

Conclusion: State the deductions arrived at through reasoning from the data collected.

Recommendations: These are given if the study requires further action. E.g.

- Recommendation is that a new English club started to give students an opportunity to practice
what they have learnt.

Signing off – Indicate the name of the person who compiled the report and his position in the


Imagine that you are the secretary of a committee that was set up in Malezi School to look into
the cause of Perennial water shortage and also suggest the recommendations and how to alleviate
the problem.



There had been a constant water shortage for a period of three years. The Board of Governors
commissioned a committee of five members to find out the root cause of the problem. The
committee comprised of the following:

Felister Nyang'au – Chair person
Eliud Nyang'echi – Secretary
Silvia Mutemi – Member
Tom Kazungu – Member

The members were given one week to complete their work and present their report.


The committee found out three causes of water shortage in the school.

Old piping

The survey revealed that the piping was more than twenty five years old. It had not been replaced
since the founding of the school. Many of the pipes were rotten and water leaked in many places
which made water not to last long in the reservoirs. In addition, some pipes were blocked in
several points by rust and silt.

Faulty water pump
The committee realized that the pumping station was not operating as required. The Members
learnt that the pump had broken down six times in the first 3 months of the year. It was also clear
that the person in charge of the pump was unskilled and could not carry out minor maintenance

Carelessness and misuse
Misuse was also found to contribute to water shortage. It was observed that water was
unnecessarily being used to water grass lawns during the dry season. Several taps in the dorm
area were found running unattended, a pointer to the possibility that the students were
irresponsibly wasting water

Conclusion and Recommendations
From the survey findings, it was clear that some action needed to be done for the causes of water
shortage to be eliminated. The committee came up with the following recommendations.
Old pipes should be replaced with new ones immediately.

The school should purchase a new water pump and employ a skilled person to operate it.
Students should be taught how to conserve water. Unnecessary watering of grass lawns should
be stopped forthwith.

Compiled by

James Baraza

marto answered the question on April 15, 2019 at 06:43

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