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Outline the points to consider when writing Notes of condolences.


Outline the points to consider when writing Notes of condolences.



Notes of condolences express encouragement and comfort to the bereaved. Though it is
common to be at a loss for words on such occasions, writing notes of condolences gives
you the time and the distance to choose your words appropriately.

-These notes should be brief and to the point.

- The choice of the words is governed by the relationship between the sender and the

Messages of condolences should:

- Express sorrow at the loss of the departed

- I have learnt with deep sorrow of the untimely death of your dear mother.

- It is with great sadness that we have received the news of your father's death.

- Appreciate the value of life of the departed

– Our school, to which she dedicated twenty four years of her life will miss her greatly.

- The gap she leaves behind will be difficult to fill.

- Encourage and give hope to the bereaved.

Our prayers are with you in these difficult times

marto answered the question on April 15, 2019 at 06:55

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