Minutes are a record of what was agreed rather than what is said rather than what was discussed.
They help those involved to follow up issues discussed and take up appropriate action.
Minutes indicate:
1. The heading. It must have: the name of the group meeting, the venue of the meeting, date and
time of the meeting.
2. Record of attendance. Records names of the members who are present physically, names of
members who are absent but have sent apologies and names of those absent and have not sent
3. In attendance. Are people who attend the meeting but are not members of the group. e.g the
principal may be in attendance in a meeting of a club. These give guidance to the members.
They are also called ex-officio members .Names of office bearers come first.
Minutes are written using the 3rd person or the passive voice. Recording should be factual. Use
the past tense.
Numbering of minutes. e.g
MIN. 3/01/12 Prefects’ Privileges
3- represents the item on the agenda.
12-the year in which the meeting was conducted in.
01 – represents the month of January in which the meeting was held.
MIN – is abbreviation for minute.
Preliminaries – are opening remarks of a meeting from the chairperson. These may include a
welcoming note or a prayer.
Confirmation of minutes of the previous meeting - minutes of the previous meeting are read
and confirmed. One person proposes the minutes to be a true record and another person seconds
that proposal. If the group meets for the first time there are no minutes to confirm.
Matters arising – Are issues appearing in the previous minutes that require clarification or
discussion in the current meeting. The agenda of the current meeting is discussed after matters
arising are put to rest.
Any Other Business [AOB] are issues raised by members after exhausting all isues in the
agenda. They are not in the original agenda.
Adjournment. The meeting comes to an end. It comes with closing remarks and mostly a
prayer. The date for the next meeting may be written here.
Ending- consists of a space for confirmation and signing.

marto answered the question on
April 15, 2019 at 07:10