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What are the types of Interviews?


Discuss the types of Interviews.



(i) Structure interview (pattered)
This involves advance preparation of the questions to be asked and information to be sought from the candidate. Also outline how the interview should be conducted and how much time to be allocated to each candidate.

(ii)Unstructured (free) interview- relatively unplanned interview where the panel asks general questions and the candidates can answer them for a relatively longer time.

(iii) Stress interview.
The panel assumes a hostile role towards the applicant and by asking questions and making comments which are likely to annoy or frustrate the candidate.

(iv) Semi – structured interview.
The questions on key areas are prepared in advance but it allows free discussion that is, doesn’t follow a strict pattern and is not so free.

(v) Group discussion interview- where a group rather than individuals are interviewed. The group is given a case analysis to handle and make decisions within a given time frame. The objective is to see how individuals perform in a particular task situation.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 15, 2019 at 07:57

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