Women played a very important role in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
1. Women helped in the fulfilment of old testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. Isaiah had foretold that the Messiah would be born of a virgin. Through Mary, this prophecy was fulfilled.
2. Women also helped in reshaping the Jewish culture. Women we despised in the Jewish society but through Jesus this low status of women changed. Jesus raised the status of women.
3. Women expressed exemplary faith in the ministry of Jesus. Mary never rejected the angel's message that she would bear the saviour. Mary Magdalene witnessed the empty tomb and she spread the message that Jesus had risen.
4. Women such as Joanna and Sussana took care of Jesus. They made his clothes.
5. Women acknowledged Jesus mission. For example, the sinful Mary repented and accepted Jesus' mission and forgiveness.
6. During the passion, death and crucifixion of Jesus, several women witnessed Jesus humiliation and Jesus appeared to them after resurrection.
miriam26 answered the question on April 16, 2019 at 12:36
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