a) Objective - is the measurable, verifiable, specific and attainable
- The objective gives focus and direction to a business mission
b) Strategies - are a scheme & methods which an entrepreneur hopes to
deploy in order to move the enterprises from it’s present
position to arrive at its targeted goals
c) Policies - are overall guides to action which must be followed
consistently for the achievement of organization goals
they act as rules & regulations which an entrepreneur imposes on the enterprise in order to achieve the major objectives.
d) Standards - are a planning function that permit an entrepreneur to use
values as forms (acceptable standards) when certain things have been adopted as norms in the entrepreneur, they acts as control measures for evaluation of performance.
e) Budgets – are quantitative expressions of future cause of action. They
usually show cash flow of an organization and act as a guide
especially for the entrepreneurial spending i.e
-sales budgets
f) Procedures - help and entrepreneur to chart the sequence or related
tasks to be performed for the accomplishment of the
enterprises objectives-it enables the entrepreneurship determine how a particular
task will performed and when it should be done.
g) Methods reveal the manner of performing specific tasks. It mainly
Prescribes how one step of a procedure should be carried
h) Programme - are a set of activities undertaken to accomplish
objectives e.g a Production programme may specify a production objective
Production standard or even production policies.
sharon kalunda answered the question on April 16, 2019 at 14:37
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Give advantages of using finance from institutional investors.
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State the advantages of using hire purchase as a source of finance.
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State the disadvantages of using sale and lease back.
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State the advantages of using Sale and Lease Back.
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Give the differences between invoice discounting and factoring.
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Highlight the similarities between invoice discounting and factoring.
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What are the disadvantages of using Invoice discounting as a source of finance?
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Highlight the advantages of using invoice discounting as a source of finance.
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Outline the disadvantages of promissory note.
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Give the reasons why trade credit is popular in Kenya.
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Discuss the classifications of debt Finance.
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Outline the similarities between Ordinary and Preference Shares Capital.
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State the Benefits of business Incubation.
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Outline the main causes of business Incubation.
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The Importance of Screening of a business idea.
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Describe the Process of Screening a Business Idea.
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