State and describe the factors that facilitated the development of agriculture along river valleys in Egypt


State and describe the factors that facilitated the development of agriculture along river valleys in Egypt.



Availability of labor for planting and harvesting and herding of the animals kept.
Availability of market due to the high population along the river valleys.
Good fertile soils that ensure high yields for the farmers and growth of pasture for the animals.
Availability of transport for the crops from the farms to the markets. Water transport was mostly used.
Availability of water for irrigation of the crops grown and for the livestock kept

Dana05 answered the question on April 16, 2019 at 16:10

Next: Describe early agriculture in Egypt in respect to the following factors: (a)Crops grown and animals kept (b)The method of cultivation (c)The tools used
Previous: Highlight and briefly explain the factors that favored the development of early agriculture in Egypt

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