Explain Just-in-time (JIT) systems


Explain Just-in-time (JIT) systems



-JIT were developed in Japan, notably at Toyota, and are considered as one of the main contributions to Japanese manufacturing success. The aim of JIT systems is to produce the required items, of high quality, exactly at the time they are required. JIT systems are characterized by the pursuit of excellence at all stages with a climate of continuous improvement. A JIT environment is characterized by:
a) A move towards zero inventory
b) Elimination of non-value added activities
c) An emphasis on perfect quality i.e. zero defects
d) Short set-ups
e) A move towards batch size of one
f) 100% on time deliveries
g) A constant drive for improvement
h) Demand- pull manufacture

Production only takes place when there is actual customer demand for the product so JIT works on a pull-through basis which means that products are not made to go into stock.
Benefits from JIT
(i) Lower investment required in all forms of inventory
(ii) Space savings from the reduction in inventory and improved layouts.
(iii) Greater customer satisfaction resulting from higher quality better deliveries and greater product variety
(iv) The buffers provided by traditional inventories masked other areas of waste and inefficiency, supplier unreliability and so on. Elimination of these problems improves performance dramatically.
(v) The flexibility of JIT and ability to supply small batches enables companies to respond more quickly to market changes and to be able to satisfy market niches

Wilfykil answered the question on April 17, 2019 at 06:33

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