Describe how the following cause earth movements: (i) Isostatic adjustment (ii) Magma movement in the crust (iii) Convectional currents in the mantle.


Describe how the following cause earth movements:
(i) Isostatic adjustment
(ii) Magma movement in the crust
(iii) Convectional currents in the mantle.



i)Describe how isostatic adjustment cause earth movement.
A reduction in weight occurs on the continental sial rock mass through erosion in melting of ice on the continents.
The eroded material are deposited on the oceanic sima crusts.
The sediments adds extra weight on the oceanic floor.
The ocean flow undergoes isostatic sinking while the continental sial crust undergoes isostatic uplifting.
The isostatic sinking and uplifting causes earth movements.
ii) This force themselves in cracks/crevices displacing crustal rocks
iii) These cause frictional drug/pull on the crustal rocks causing their movement
sharon kalunda answered the question on April 17, 2019 at 12:50

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