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The map below shows the location of some vegetation regions of Africa. Use it to answer the questions that follow:


The map below shows the location of some vegetation regions of Africa. Use it to answer
the questions that follow:
(a)i) Name the grassland region marked L
ii) Describe the characteristics of the natural vegetation found in the shaded area P
b)Explain four ways in which the vegetation found in the area marked Q adapts to the
environmental conditions of the region



a i) L is savanna (park savanna)
ii) - The vegetation is tropical rainforest/ equatorial forest
- The forest consist of mixed variety of tree species
- The trees shed their leaves at different times of the year/ ever green
- The trees are tall with large trunks
- The trees have broad; leaves/ drip tipped leaves
- The trees take long to mature
- The tree species are mainly hard woods
- The forest trees grow close together
- The forest has numerous lianas/ climbing plants/ epiphytes
- Some of the trees have buttress roots
- The forest has crowns that form three distinct canopies/ layers
b)- Some plants have thick/ fleshy/ succulent leaves/ barks to enable them store water
- Some have long roots to tap the ground water
- Some have no leaves/ have thin/ spiky/ waxy/ needle- like leaves to reduce transpiration
- Some plants have shiny surfaces to reflect light
- Plant seeds remain dormant awaiting the short rains
- Some plants have thick/ hard barks to reduce transpiration
- Some plants wilt in the absence of moisture that have a quick recovery ability
sharon kalunda answered the question on April 17, 2019 at 14:07

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