a i) L is savanna (park savanna)
ii) - The vegetation is tropical rainforest/ equatorial forest
- The forest consist of mixed variety of tree species
- The trees shed their leaves at different times of the year/ ever green
- The trees are tall with large trunks
- The trees have broad; leaves/ drip tipped leaves
- The trees take long to mature
- The tree species are mainly hard woods
- The forest trees grow close together
- The forest has numerous lianas/ climbing plants/ epiphytes
- Some of the trees have buttress roots
- The forest has crowns that form three distinct canopies/ layers
b)- Some plants have thick/ fleshy/ succulent leaves/ barks to enable them store water
- Some have long roots to tap the ground water
- Some have no leaves/ have thin/ spiky/ waxy/ needle- like leaves to reduce transpiration
- Some plants have shiny surfaces to reflect light
- Plant seeds remain dormant awaiting the short rains
- Some plants have thick/ hard barks to reduce transpiration
- Some plants wilt in the absence of moisture that have a quick recovery ability
sharon kalunda answered the question on April 17, 2019 at 14:07
- Name the specific countries of the world where the following grassland vegetation types are
(ii) Pampas
(iii) Dawns(Solved)
Name the specific countries of the world where the following grassland vegetation types are
(ii) Pampas
(iii) Dawns
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- Study the photograph (a) and (b) and use them to answer the questions below:-(Solved)
Study the photograph (a) and (b) and use them to answer the questions below:-

(a) (i) Name the type of photograph shown in the figure (b)
(ii) Name three human activities carried out in photographs (a) and (b)
(b) If the two photographs were taken from western province, name four districts in the
province the photographs are likely to have been taken from?
(c) Explain five physical conditions that encourage the growth of crops in photograph (a)
(d) State five problems facing farmers of this crop in Kenya
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give three landforms associated with folded regions.(Solved)
Give three landforms associated with folded regions.
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- Name two fold mountains outside Africa.(Solved)
Name two fold mountains outside Africa.
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- The diagram below shows a simple fold.(Solved)
The diagram below shows a simple fold.

Name the part marked A, B and C
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give two reasons why hardwood trees species in Kenya are in danger of extraction(Solved)
Give two reasons why hardwood trees species in Kenya are in danger of extraction
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- What is panthalassa?(Solved)
What is panthalassa?
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- Apart from Africa, name any two other continents that form the Gondwanaland.(Solved)
Apart from Africa, name any two other continents that form the Gondwanaland.
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- State three effects of faulting on drainage systems(Solved)
State three effects of faulting on drainage systems
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- List two factors that determine the degree of folding in rocks(Solved)
List two factors that determine the degree of folding in rocks
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- List two characteristics of destructive plate boundary(Solved)
List two characteristics of destructive plate boundary
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give two-examples of fold mountains in North America(Solved)
Give two-examples of fold mountains in North America
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- With the aid of well labeled diagrams explain the formation of fold mountains(Solved)
With the aid of well labeled diagrams explain the formation of fold mountains
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe how subsidence can lead to formation of a caldera.(Solved)
Describe how subsidence can lead to formation of a caldera.
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- Using well labelled diagrams, describe how the following are formed:
(i) An anticlinal fault
(ii) An overthrust fold(Solved)
Using well labelled diagrams, describe how the following are formed:
(i) An anticlinal fault
(ii) An overthrust fold
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- The feature below show an extrusive landform in a volcanic area.(Solved)
The feature below show an extrusive landform in a volcanic area.

Name the parts labelled A,B and C.
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- The diagram below represents a feature resulting form faulting(Solved)
The diagram below represents a feature resulting form faulting

(a) Name the feature
(b) Name part x and y
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- State two ways in which faulting interferes with transport and communication lines.(Solved)
State two ways in which faulting interferes with transport and communication lines.
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give two ways in which earthquakes can be predicted(Solved)
Give two ways in which earthquakes can be predicted
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)
- Differentiate between extension boundaries and compression boundaries.(Solved)
Differentiate between extension boundaries and compression boundaries.
Date posted: April 17, 2019. Answers (1)