Describe the process through which the following features are formed. i)an arête ii) A crag and tail


Describe the process through which the following features are formed.
i)an arête
ii) A crag and tail



i) - two adjacent hallows on a mountain side
- the two hallows are filled with ice
- the ice erode the side through plucking and deepens the hollow through abrasion
- through erosion, the back walls of the hollows slowly recede
- eventually the hollows(cirques)are separated by a knife-edge ridge
- the ridge is called an arête

ii) - a large block of rock stands on the path of on-coming glacier
- the ice plucks off /erode rock fragments from the upper side of the block
- as the ice moves round and over the resistance rock, it carries the eroded materials to the lee-ward side
- the lee side does not experience erosion
- deposits materials on the lee-ward and together with weak rocks forms
- flat corridors separate them from each other
- they occur I groups
- the width of the corridors vary from 25m to 50m
- where the wind blows from the same direction for long, dunes become gentle on the wind ward and steep on the lee ward
sharon kalunda answered the question on April 18, 2019 at 06:37

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