- At the head of the Colonial administration was the Colonial Secretary based in London.
- At first the Headquarters was in Zanzibar. By 1900 it was transferred to Mombasa.
- The Governor was the head of the Colony.
- He was advised by an Advisory Council set up later.
- An executive council also emerged to ensure implementation of colonial policies
- A legislative council was set up in 1907 to make colonial laws with the governors assent.
- For easy centralization of authority, the colony was divided into administrative provinces headed by Provincial Commissioners
- Provinces were further divided into districts under District Commissioners and Officers, Manned by White Officers.
- Below them were the Chief heading locations under the Chiefs, Authority Act - They were Africans.
- Under them were the village headmen.
N/B The Chiefs main duties were to collect taxes, recruit African labour and maintain law
and order at grassroots.
- There was a very strict chain of command.
Kavungya answered the question on April 18, 2019 at 07:59
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b)Infrastructural development
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a)Family land use
b)Infrastructural development
c)Reforestation programs
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a)Erosion of national prestige
b)Political influence
c)Refugees’ problem
d)Spread of diseases
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