Explain the results of the discovery and use of iron in Africa.


Explain the results of the discovery and use of iron in Africa.



- The discovery of iron technology led to the manufacture of better and efficient tools for farming e.g. iron hoes and pangas
- The use of iron tools enabled people to clear natural vegetation and bring more land under cultivation / increased food production.
- The demand for iron ore and iron tools led to the development of trade between communities.
- The development of iron technology led to the job specialization, iron smiths became very respectable members of the society.
- The use of iron weapons in warfare intensified inter-community conflicts. The stronger communities conquered and absorbed the weaker ones
- The possession of iron weapons made it possible for communities to improve their system of defence.
- Possession of iron weapons led to the emergence of states through conquest e.g. Mali, Songhai, Ghana etc.
- Possession of iron weapons and implements facilitated immigration of people - they were better armed and could face the dangers on the way.
Kavungya answered the question on April 18, 2019 at 09:06

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