- Started the “British Indian Steamship company” which made friendship with the Sultans of Zanzibar which led to British protectorate over sultans territories.
- Being a man of mixed motives; - Religious philanthropist and commercial, he was part of businessmen in Europe who formed companies that financed missionaries to Africa e.g his IBEA Co. intervened in the case of missionary work in Uganda, - Kenya – Uganda protectorate was created.
- His activities led to the signing of the Heligoland Treaty ( 1890) which divided E. Africa between Germany and Britain giving Kenya to Britain.
- He encouraged investors from Europe to come to East Africa and help finance the building of the Kenya – Uganda Railway.
- Urged the British Government for assistance to complete the railway. Though reluctant at first, the British consented later.
- His company the IBEA Co. was used by the British to rule the Kenya protectorate and the government only took over when the company became bankrupt.
- Because of the problems encountered by IBEA Co. eg. Keeping officials like captain lord Lugard being too expensive; the British govt decided to take over the rule. Invited the settlers to come and assist in raising revenue to help pay for the cost of building the railway and of administration.
- Established a chain of forts and trading post from the coast to Uganda this gave the British a prospective view of the interior for exploitation purposes.
- His company helped to soften the African response to British colonial advance eg. He made treaties with several rulers of the interior.
Kavungya answered the question on April 18, 2019 at 10:09
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List the officials of IBEA.
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