Give the reasons why the early political parties in Kenya failed by 1940’s.


Give the reasons why the early political parties in Kenya failed by 1940’s.



- They were not so much concerned with the fight for independence but in eradication
of some ills of colonialism so long as the ills of colonialism were not there they did
not bother i.e. Kipande, forced labour e.t.c.
- The Africans were divided - Each was fighting for its own welfare and hence they were easily crushed by the colonist
- The parties were so moderate in their demands and they were not taken seriously by the colonist
- The parties were local and hence lacked international support .
- Most of the leaders were not educated and hence could not provide effective leadership
- They lacked external influence /ideas and did not know how to command their own destiny
- They lacked finances hence they could not carry out party activities effectively
- They were internal disagreements and factions/rivalry among the leaders
- The coming of the second World war disrupted their activities
- The colonial government banned them
- There were language barriers
- Lacked general support
Kavungya answered the question on April 18, 2019 at 13:27

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