The map below shows some major fishing grounds in the world. Use it to answer questions below:


The map below shows some major fishing grounds in the world. Use it to answer questions below:
i)Name the countries marked P and Q
ii)Explain four conditions that favour fishing in the shaded coastal water



i) P – Norway Q- Japan
ii) - The areas have cool waters which have abundant planktons-main food for fish
- The areas have shallow continental shelves which allow light to penetrate for planktons
to grow
- Convergence of warm and cool current results in upwelling of ocean waters bringing mineral for fish and plankton form sea bed to the surface
- Cool waters encourages thriving of numerous fish species
- Most of the coasts are indented providing secure bedding grounds for fish
- The sheltered bays provide suitable sites for building fishing ports
- The large population in these areas provides ready market
- The rugged landscape limits agriculture thus people turn to alternative economic activity
- Cool climate provides natural preservation for fish
sharon kalunda answered the question on April 18, 2019 at 13:41

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