How did the 1914 Sarajevo incident contribute to the rise of the first World war?


How did the 1914 Sarajevo incident contribute to the rise of the first World war?



-In June 1914, the Austro-Hungarian heir apparent, Franz Fedenand and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo, Serbia.
-Austria accused Serbia with a set of demands some of which were not acceptable to the government of Serbia.
-Serbia thus rejected the demands. Consequently, Austria declared war on Serbia.
-Russia in turn prepared her forces in readiness to defend Serbia incase she was to be attacked by Austria.
-Germany demanded that Russia should demobilize. Russia refused. As a result, Germany declared war on Russia on 1st of August 1914.
-After declaring war on Russia, Germany demanded that France should remain neutral. However, France did not oblige, hence Germany declared war on France on 3rd August 1914.
-Noting the new developments, Britain had warned Germany that she should respect the 1839 Treaty which had guaranteed Belgium neutrality. Hence when Germany overrun Belgium in the course of invading France, Britain declared war on Germany.
-Hence in mid-August 1914, all the great powers of Europe namely Germany, France, Britain, Austria and Russia came to be involved in the war. Thus what had began as a local Austro- Serbian conflict was transformed into a world war.

Kavungya answered the question on April 19, 2019 at 13:17

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