Give the steps in working out different ways of hem management


Give the steps in working out different ways of hem management



a.Making small dart like pleats at regular intervals to control fullness of the hem

-mark hemline
-make a narrow turning about 0.5 cm wide from the raw edge

-pin and tack [with the seam ,CF& CB of skirt matching with those of the hem,pin&hem in position/vertically.
-make small dart like pleats between the pins at regular intervals to get rid of the fullness.
-pin and tack along the pleats [tack the whole hem flat]
-remove the pins, hem the edges of the pleats and then the hem
-remove tacking and press

b. Pre—Shrinking

For woolens, its best to shrink off the fullness in a hem instead of making the pleats [can be done by gathering the fullness using running stitches the press with a damp cloth until most of the fullness has been shrunk]
-Pressing should be done on the WS of fabric

c.Using a cross way strip or bias binding

-Mark the finished hem
-Trim away excess
-With the RS facing, hem turning ,pin , tack & machine the cross way strip to the turning
-Turn over work to the side, pin & tack the hem flat
-Slip hem all round
-Remove tacking & press

marto answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 05:28

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