i) A – L. Michigan
B – L. Huron
C – L. Erie
ii)- To provide cheap water transport for bulky commodities like coal and iron ore to
industrial centres around the great lakes
- To shorten the route to external markets especially for wheat from Canadian prairies and manufactured goods from the Great lakes
- To expand manufacturing industries along the entire route, provide employment and develop towns
- Increase agricultural production and tourism
- Open up this part of America for international trade
- To easy strain on American railways
- To increase HEP production along parts of the Seaway e.g. at Niagra waterfall and at dams constructed along the route.
iii) – The long sault and Lachine rapids between Ontario and Montreal hindered
navigation. waterfalls e.g. Niagra was preserved for HEP and tourist attraction. This
was solved by construction of alternative route i.e. Welland canala - Shallow ports e.g. Montreal that could not handle large ships – they were dredged and
- Problems of trans- shipment along the seaway causing delay. Seaway has been
widened to accommodate large ships and these can now sail through the water
way without stopping
sharon kalunda answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 06:26
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