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State at least 5 key characteristics of the 8 sub-genres/ sub-categories of oral narratives


State at least 5 key characteristics of the 8 sub-genres/ sub-categories of oral narratives.

a) Legends

b) Myths

c) Dilemma tales/ narratives

d) Aetiological/ Explanatory narratives

e) Trickster narratives/ tales/ stories

f) Ogre/ monster narratives

g) Fables

h) Parables



a) Legends:
-They are historical.
-Based on community hero/ heroine.
-Hero/ heroine have supernatural powers/ abilities.
-True in nature.
-Hero/ heroine usually sacrifices a lot on behalf of the community.
-Have a moral lesson.

b) Myths:
-Are sacred/ religious.
-Tell about origin of a community; certain beliefs and customs.
-There is reference to superhuman being/ Involve superhuman being.
-Based on history of a community.

c) Dilemma tales/ narratives:

-Protagonist has to make a tough choice.
-None of the choice is easy to make.
-Protagonist usually regrets the choice made.
-Always ends with a question.
-Have a moral lesson.

d) Aetiological/ Explanatory narratives:

-Explain the origin of natural phenomena/ occurrences.
-Explain why things are the way they are.
-Deal with the question: Why?
-Heavily rely on the cultural background of the community.
-Have a moral lesson.

e) Trickster narratives/ tales/ stories
-Involve treachery/ deceit/ cunning; trickster tricks another, dupe is tricked.
-Involve small versus big animals.
-Small animals are usually intelligent and cunning.
-Big animals are usually mighty but gullible and foolish.
Test brain (intelligence) versus brawn (strength/ power)
Small animals always trick the big animals.
Have moral lesson.

f) Ogre/ monster narratives

Involve interaction between ogres/ monsters and human beings.
-Involve creatures from human imagination and fantasy (unreality).
-Creatures have the ability turn themselves into human forms.
-Creatures always take advantage of the vulnerable/ weak in the society.
-Monsters/ ogres are pursued/ hunted by heroes/ heroines.
-Teach a moral lesson.

g) Fables
-Involve animal characters.
-The animal characters give human qualities and attributes (traits) – personified.
-Derived from particular backgrounds.
-Politely teach social norms/ standards/ rules.
-Teach a moral lesson.

h) Parables

-Have a religious allusion/ reference.
-Used to teach a moral lesson.
-Are a form of education.
-Use human characters

marto answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 06:31

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    HELMER: What are you saying?

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    Nora: I assure you, Torvald that is not an easy question to answer. I really don’t know. The thing perplexes me all together. I only know that you and I look at it in a quite different light. I am learning, too, that the law is quite another thing from what I suppose; but I find it quite impossible to convince myself that the law is right. According to it a woman has no right to spare her old dying father, or to save her husband’s life. I can’t believe that.

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    Nora: No, I don’t. But now I am going to try. I am going to see if I can make out who is right, the world or I.


    1. Place this extract in its immediate context. (6 marks)

    2. Discuss any two character traits of Helmer in this extract. (4 marks)

    3. Give evidence that Nora is an assertive character (4 marks)

    4. From elsewhere in the play how is Nora portrayed in a different light? (2 marks)

    5. I do not exactly know what religion is.(Add a question tag) (1 mark)
    6. In which way does Nora conflict with the law? (3 marks)

    7. Discuss one major issue of concern addressed in this context (3 marks)

    8. What is the mood in this context? Explain. (3 marks)

    9. What is the meaning of the following words? (4 marks)

    i) Religion

    ii) Clergyman

    iii) Conscience

    iv) Perplexes

    Date posted: April 16, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the exatract below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Mrs. Linde: Is Doctor Rank a man of means?

    Nora: Yes, he is.

    Mrs. Linde: And has no one to provide for?

    Nora: No, no one; but-

    Mrs. Linde: And comes here every day?

    Nora: Yes, I told you so.

    Mrs. Linde: But how can this well –bred man be so tactless?

    Nora: I don’t understand you at all

    Mrs. Linde: Don’t prevaricate, Nora. Do you suppose I don’t guess who lent you the two hundred and Fifty pounds?

    Nora: Are you out of your senses? How can you think of such a thing! A friend of ours who comes here every day! Do you realize what a horribly painful position that would be?

    Mrs. Linde: Then it really isn’t he?

    Nora: No, certainly not. It would never have entered into my head for a moment. Besides, he had no money to lend then; he came into his money afterwards.

    Mrs. Linde: Well, I think that was lucky for you, my dear Nora.

    Nora: No, it would never have come into my head to ask Doctor Rank. Although I am quite sure that if I had asked him-

    Mrs. Linde: But of course you won’t.

    Nora: Of course not. I have no reason to think it could possibly be necessary. But I am quite sure that if I told Doctor Rank

    Mrs. Linde: Behind your husband’s back?

    Nora: I must make an end of it with the other one, and that will be behind his back too. I must make an end of it with him.

    Mrs. Linde: Yes, that is what I told you yesterday, but –

    Nora: (walking up and down) A man can put a thing like that straight much easier than a woman –

    Mrs. Linde: One’s husband, yes.

    Nora: Nonsense! (Standing still) When you pay off a debt you get your bond back, don’t you?

    Mrs. Linde: Yes, as a matter of course.

    Nora: And can tear it into a hundred thousand pieces, and burn it up- the nasty dirty paper!

    Mrs. Linde: (looks hard at her, lays down her sewing and gets up slowly) Nora, you are concealing something from me

    Nora: Do I look as if I were?

    Mrs. Linde: Something has happened to you since yesterday morning. Nora, what is it?


    1. What happens immediately after this excerpt? (3 marks)

    2. Discuss any two issues brought out in this excerpt (4 marks)

    3. How is Mrs. Linde depicted in this extract? (4 marks)

    4. In which ways does the playwright use dramatic irony in this excerpt? (4 marks)

    5. Because you do as your husband wishes. Add a question tag (1 mark)

    6. How effective is the use of humor in this extract? (2 marks)

    7. From this excerpt, Helmer is hardworking. How is this character trait brought out elsewhere in the play and how does it complicate the drama (3 marks)

    8. Give the meaning of the following (4 marks)

    i) A man of means

    ii) Prevaricate

    iii) Horribly

    iv) Concealing

    Date posted: April 16, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.(Solved)

    Nora:But it was absolutely necessary that he should not know! My goodness can’t you understand that? It was necessary he should have no idea what a dangerous condition he was in. It was to me that the doctors came and said that his life was in danger, and that the only thing to save him was to live in the south. Do you suppose I didn’t try, first of all, to get what I wanted as if it were for myself? I told him how much I should love to travel abroad like other young wives; I tried tears and entreaties with him; I told him that he ought to remember the condition

    I was in, and that he ought to be kind and indulgent to me; I even hinted that he might raise a loan. That nearly made him angry, Christine. He said I was thoughtless, and that it was his duty as my husband not to indulge me in my whims and caprices– as I believe he called them. Very well, I thought, you must be saved – and that was how I came to devise a way out of the difficulty –

    Mrs. Linde: And did your husband never get to know from your father that the money had come from him?

    Nora: No, never. Papa died just at that time. I had meant to let him into the secret and beg him never to reveal it. But he was so ill then- alas, there never was any need to tell him

    Mrs. Linde: Good heavens, no! How could you think so? A man who has such strong opinion about these things! And besides, how painful and humiliating it would be for Torvald, with his manly independence, to know that he owed me anything! It
    would upset our mutual relations altogether; our beautiful happy home would no longer be what it is now

    Mrs. Linde: Do you mean never to tell him about it?

    Nora: (meditatively and with a half-smile) Yes – someday perhaps, after many years, when I am no longer as nice-looking as I am now. Don’t laugh at me! I mean,of course , when Torvald is no longer as devoted to me as he is now; when my dancing and dressing-up and reciting have paled on him ; then it may be a good thing to have something in reserve – (breaking off) What nonsense ! That time will never come. Now what do you think of my great secret, Christine? Do you still think I am of no use? I can tell you, too, that this affair has caused me a lot of worry. It has been by no means easy for me to meet my engagements punctually. I may tell you that there is something that is called, in business, quarterly interest and another thing called payment in installments and it is always so dreadfully difficult to manage them. I have had to save a little here and there

    where I could, you understand. I have not been able to put a side much from housekeeping money for Torvald must have a good table. I could not let my children be shabbily dressed; I have felt obliged to use up all he gave me for them, the sweet little darlings


    1. Briefly describe what happens before the events in this extract. (3 marks)

    2. State and explain any two aspects of style used in this extract. (4 marks)

    3. How is Mrs. Linde depicted in this extract? (4 marks)

    4. What is the attitude of Mrs. Linde towards Nora? Explain (3 marks)

    5. Explain how the 'imprudence' of Nora later complicates the events of the play. (2 marks)

    6. Who is a shadow character in a play? In this extract identify one shadow character. What
    is his/ her significance in the play? (3 marks)

    7. Add a question tag:

    A wife cannot borrow money without her husband’s consent. (1mark)

    8. Explain the meaning of the following words (4 marks)

    i) Indulgent

    ii) Thoughtless

    iii) Caprices

    iv) Devoted

    Date posted: April 16, 2019.  Answers (1)

  • Answer the following questions from the extract given below.(Solved)

    Krogstad:Are you sure of that?

    Mrs. Linde: Quite sure, but-

    Krogstad:(with a searching look at her)Is that what it all means?-that you want to save your friend at any cost? Tell me frankly. Is that it?

    Mrs Linde: Nils, a woman who has once sold herself for another’s sake doesn’t do it a second time.

    Krogstad:I will ask for my letter back.

    Mrslinde: No, no.

    Krogstad: Yes, of course I will. I will wait here until Helmer comes; I will tell him he must give me my letter back-that it only concerns my dismissal-that he is not to read it-

    Mrs. Linde: No Nils, you must not recall your letter.

    Krogstad: But, tell me wasn’t it for that very purpose that you asked me to meet you here?

    Mrs Linde: In my first moment of fright, it was. But twenty-four hours have elapsed since then, and in that time I have witnessed incredible things in this house. Helmer must know all about it. This unhappy secret must be disclosed; they must have a complete understanding between them which is impossible with all this concealment and falsehood going on

    Krogstad: Very well, if you take the responsibility. But there is one thing I can do in any case and I shall do it at once.
    Mrs Linde:(listening)You must be quick and go! The dance is over; we are not safe a moment longer.

    Krogstad:I will wait for you below.

    Mrs Linde:Yes, do. You must see me back to my door-

    Krogstad:I have never had such an amazing piece of good fortune in my life!


    1. Explain what has happened before this excerpt. (4 marks)

    2. Why does Krogstad say he would ask for his letter back? Explain (3 marks)

    3. 'Nils, a woman who has once sold herself for another’s sake doesn’t do it a second time.'

    Briefly explain what makes Mrs. Linde saythis? (3 marks)

    4. Identify one character trait of Mrs. Linde in this extract (2 marks)

    5. What is so surprising in this extract? Explain. ( 2 marks)

    6. 'But there is one thing I can do in any case and I shall do it at once.' What is it that Krogstad does and how does it affect the rest of the play? (4 marks)

    7. 'I have never had such an amazing piece of good fortune in my life!' Rewrite beginning Never: (1 mark)

    8. What makes Krogstad say that he has never had such good fortune in his life? (2 marks)

    9. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the excerpt. (4 marks)

    i) At any cost

    ii) Recall

    iii) Elapsed

    iv) Incredible things

    Date posted: April 16, 2019.  Answers (1)