Compare and contrast myths and legends


Compare and contrast myths and legends




-They are stories- they have plot and characters.
-Based on oral tradition.
-They are mostly transmitted orally.
-Usually specific to a group of people.
-Involve things from the immediate environment; forests, lakes etc
-Involve gods and supernatural world.
-They are believed to be true.
-They tell about someone or events in the past


-Legends are solely based on exploits/ achievements of human characters

-while myths sometimes only involve gods and animals.

-Some legends are attributed to historical characters, like Lwanda Magere while myths are purely fictional/ imaginary.

-Legends revolve around historical characters, events, their struggles and achievements while myths revolve around the origin/ creation of people and other things (customs, taboos etc), and events in their environment such as death.

-Myths are religious (sacred) while legends historical.

marto answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 07:08

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