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Highlight the key features of short forms; proverbs, riddles, tongue-twisters, puns and jokes:


Highlight the key features of short forms; proverbs, riddles, tongue-twisters, puns and jokes:




-Precise/ short
-Metaphorical; have hidden meanings
-Have fixed wordings.
-Express community’s wisdom and philosophy (principle)
-Serious statement in nature.
-Based on facts.
-They can have two parts; proposition and completion.


-Short/ brief
-Metaphorical; have word puzzle that require solution.
-Require two people to complete
-In question-answer format.
-Symmetrical (show balance and trimness in structure
-Has opening formula
-Performed by children

c)Tongue twisters

-Are brief statements.
-Are alliterative
-May or may not make sense
-May be formed at any time as they are not hard and fast

marto answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 07:16

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