a) Principle of continuity
The individual life is never ending process.
b) Principle of lack of uniformity in developmental race.
There are spurts during development e.g stagnancy after adolescence.
c) Principle of individual differences
Human beings are unique. When teaching we have to vary the methods.
) Principle of uniformity of pattern
For instance, development of language normally follows some defined sequence, e.g a child would start to sit, crown, stand with support of objects, starts to walk then finally run.
e) Principle of integration
Involves movement from whole to parts e.g development of whole body to parts like fingers.
f) Principle of interrelation
e.g A healthy body tends to develop a healthy mind that leads to an emotionally stable individuals.
g) Principle of interaction
Human development is a product of the forces of nurture and nature i.e inheritance and environmental forces.
h) Principle of CephaloCaudal tendency
Here development proceeds in the direction of longitudinal axis i.e head to feet.
i) Principle of proximodistal tendency
Development proceeds from the centre (near the trunk) towards other parts of the body.
J) Principle of predictability.
The structure of the individual can be predicted.
The development of the bones of the child predicts his old structure
marto answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 07:56