a) Oral stage 0-2 years
The child derives pleasure by playing with the mouth. The child has a tendency of putting objects in the mouth. If the individual fixates at this stage, he displays the following characteristics in adulthood.
Excessive drinking and smoking
Excessive kissing
Individuals who did not fixate are
b) Anal stage 2-3 years
The anal region becomes a source of pleasure especially when the training empties the bowel. Toilet training is introduced at this stage. If toilet training is strict, during adulthood the individual becomes a miser.
Obsessed with orderliness and neatness
Perfectionist tendencies
Very stingy
Where there was no training, the individual becomes overgenerous
c) Phallic stage 4-6 years
During this stage a boy develops unconscious sexual desire for his mother until he imagines that the father might castrate him hence develops a conflict called Oedipus complex. The girl develops unconscious desire for her father. She imagines that she is a rival of the mother over her fathers. This leads to electra complex or conflict. The boy that fixates at this stage is likely to become a homosexual whereas a girl becomes lesbian.
d) Latency stage 6-8 years
Boys identify with their father as girls identify with their mother.
e) Genital stage 8 years
The individual develops heterosexual
marto answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 08:04