It is the development of the baby in the mother’s womb from conception to birth. Pre-natal development starts with fertilization.
For fertilization to occur-:
ovulation has to take place whereby the ovum is released from the ovary of a female
The ovum has to be deposited in the oviduct
the first sperm to hit the ovum penetrates and its nucleaus fuse with that of the ovum.
After fusion penetration of other sperm cells is inhabited.
The fusion of sperm and ovum cell results into a compound cell referred to as a Zygote which develops to a human being.
The Zygote grows into size through b multiplication of cells through a process referred to as Mitosis.
Other organs develop eg umbilical cord, placenta, and the amniotic fluid.
fter three weeks of conception, the Zygote develops into the embryo.
In the third month, the embryo develops into a foetus.
The organ with the starts functions. The child engages in the motor behaviour.
In the firth month there is appearance of hair and sweat glands.
In the sixth month the eyes are well developed and reflex actions eg grasping, blinking are at work.
If born prematurely the child can survive. At 8 months the foetus is 4cm and over 2kg. Around 9 months the foetus is 3.5 kgs and above
marto answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 08:19