a. State the preparation before the lesson
• look for a tape recorder and relevant cassettes
• prepare a lesson plan
• tune the recorder to check if it is in a working condition
• familiarise yourself with the content by reading relevant materials
• check state of of batteries/power
• reset the tape recorder prior to the lesson. confirm that you have the right tapes.
b.Identify techniques the story teller may use to sustain interest during the lesson
• making story short
• using simple language
• varying voice
• using gestures
• narrating the story in an interesting manner with enthusiasm and vitality
• story should be full of action and details such as description of places, persons and things
c. List the follow up activities after the lesson
• doing a quiz on the content of the story
• asking and answering questions
• drawing a chart showing the stages in evolution of early human beings
• reading further on the subject
• drawing map of Africa and locating where the archaeological and palaeontological discoveries have been made
• holding up group discussion on evolution of early man
Kavungya answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 08:45