(i) Africa youth can be made to understand the Africa cultures profound values so as they
become better armed to resist certain demoralizing western cultural manifestation as
well as also becoming integrated into the rest of the society.
(ii) The popular aspect of African culture should promote the productive activities as well
as the methods of appropriating the means of production (land, natural resources,
industry among others) and the distribution of goods and services.
(iii) Culture provides a profound identity of the people and in Africa it can Africans to
participate actively in the building of a universal civilization itself a recipe of
(iv) Safeguarded and experienced by the people culture is motivating element is social
economic development as well as a factor in the transformation of the environment.
(v) Culture constitutes the swept means for Africa to overcome their technological hand
cap and the most effective force in African victorious resistance against imperialist
(vi) Culture can be used to as a tool to free Africa from illiteracy, promote education of
the masses and develop a scientific technologies development.
(vii) Africa can also develop through return to its original modes of perception its
techniques its media of communication by bringing them up date so as to return them
in to powerful means of dominating nature and harmonizing the development of Africa society.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 11:48