Examine six strategies a teacher would use to promote moral development of pre-school children according to Kohlbergs theory of moral reasoning.


Examine six strategies a teacher would use to promote moral development of pre-school children according to Kohlbergs theory of moral reasoning.



i) Model sympathetic responses/ explain what you are doing and why you are doing it.

ii) Encourage children to comfort others when they can.

iii) Make standards/ rules for behavior very clear.

iv) When children misbehave give reasons why such behavior are unacceptable.

v) Use pro social adjectives kind/ helpful when praising altruistic behaviour

vi) Encourage children in making own choices/ taking decisions and to take responsibilities of their behaviour.

vii) Explain how children can meet their own needs while helping others

viii) Recognize that some selfish behavior is typical for the age-group

ix) Discuss with children concerning rules.
johnmulu answered the question on July 20, 2017 at 11:53

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