He observed,
The individuals’ personality development is to his interaction with the society, moreso the care givers e.g. parents.
He came up with stages of personality development.
If the individual is nourished handled well and protected, he is bound to develop a sen a sense of security and a feeling of trust. If vise versa mistrust develops stressed the importance of warm relationship depending on how a child gets along the child either relaxes and fe trusted or is tense and mistrusting of others
2) The period of autonomy vs. shame and doubt 2-4 years the child starts to explore the environment if he is given the opportunity to expose the environments through democratic conditions, then he develops a sense of independence or autonomy, overprotective, restrictive and harsh parenting styles may lead to development of shame and doubt (individual tries to become an individual if sort, even if he is helpless but nonetheless he is seeking a feeling of being a separate person if denied develops shame/ doubt and if given a chance develop a feeling of independence also autonomy.
Initiative vs. guilt 4-6 years-Dependent on parents the child gets confidence to undertake positive actions on his own. Take control of their environment with limits they take the initiative to develop behaviuors and rule of the pretend worker e.g. pretend a police. If there is no opportunity to take the initiative he develops the feelings of guilt father make up their own rules on how this work is done. If not allowed the child begins to feel guilty for having failed.
Industry vs. inferiority 6-11years if the initiative is successful, the individual will produce actions, or engage in action that develop the attribute of industry Develops all kind of skills and get reward for what they have done children should be encouraged/ to do more hence becoming industrious if modeled rewards to not forthcoming they feel inadequate inferior.
Feelings of inferiority develop when a child fears to undertake the task.
5) Identify vs. Role Confusion (Adolescent 12-20 years)
The key issues that affect the individuals and identified and role reality.
Therefore role confusion hampers a sense of identity, a stage where a adolescent want to know who they cove they come up with group which they identify with and keep them self free from adults or outsiders where some behaviours strait searching for solutions like religious, vocational and personal issue, failure to develop a strong sense of self results in uncertainty about what one is supposed to do and be her role confusion
6)Intimacy vs. isolation 20-45 years (Young adults)
Young people establish intimate relationships with someone of the opposite sex. Failure to achieve intimacy leads to feeling of isolation (starts in adulthood time of permanence of relationship which are intimate, usually with a member of opposite sex provides feeling of true satisfaction because you are important to at least one special person mutual relationship exists without it there is loneliness (hence isolation).
7) Generativity vs. stagnation 45-65 years
Stage of middle adult hood
The individual is not productive and creative activities e.g a very effective teacher’s counselor if the individual is not productive at this stage he stagnates and moves to ego-integrity vs despair.
At this stage somebody should contribute something very important to the world e.g family job generate or he or she stands still psychologically and produces nothing thus stagnation.
8) Ego integrity vs. despair 60 and above
An individual has a wide view or perception of himself he understands what he has done and what he is, thus a sense of integrity if he regrets in life he develops
At this stage somebody should accept that end is despair coming and life has been a worth while event that self ego integrity if he doesn’t feel this views that life has been meaningless hence being despair. Integrity completion while despair incompletes
marto answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 12:32
- Outline the psycho sexual stages of personality development.(Solved)
Outline the psycho sexual stages of personality development.
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Outline the application of moral development to education.
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List the Functions of punishment.
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Define Punishment.
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List the determinants of moral development.
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Discuss the categories of individuals based on emotions.
Date posted: April 23, 2019. Answers (1)