He was an American developmental psychologists. He argues that anything can be thought to anyone at any given level.
His theory was based on the bahaviour of infants that displays a lot of creativity and aesthetics or beauty.
He has been interested in how we develop the ability to represent our environment and use this information to predict the future.
According to Brunner (1966) children pass through 3 stages of cognitive development as they grow.
Enactive stage
Iconic stage
Symbolic stage
These 3 stages corresponds to piagets first 2 stages . i.e sensory motor and pre-operation
-Enactive mode
This stage is characterized by motor reflexes as reflected in touching, testing, moving and grasping.
The infant perceives the object in terms of what’s done to it and its thinking is based on what one does.
This stage is also associated with the adolescents or adults whenever they engage in new motor activity e.g. swimming, playing piano and finding their way through unfamiliar territory.
-Iconic mode:
During this stage, the child’s system of representing information expands so that objects and experience not only continue to exist in their absence but form part of his internalized experience.
They are able to form images and pictures of experience.
They can interact with objects that are physically absent but readily available in his mind. This should encourage them to use their imagination.
They should be encouraged to participate in developing Teaching- Learning resources.
Symbolic mode
According to Brunner, it’s the highest form of thinking. The child represents information on the basis of symbols, ideas, thoughts, or concepts.
The child has good command of language that enables him express his thoughts.
He develops problem solving and logical reasoning.
The individual develops cognitions through:
Acquisition of new information from the Environment. It is a transformation stage whereby the newly acquired information is manipulated to meet new tasks.
Evaluation stage is whereby the assessment is given to establish whether the individual has correctly and successfully manipulated the information
marto answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 12:43
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