a)Unitary or monarchic theory
According to this theory, intelligence consists of one factor, a fund of intellectual competence which is universal to all activities of the individual. It claims that a good standard in mathematics should be good in all other subjects.
b)anarchic theory/ multi factor theory
proposed by E.L.Thorndike. the thory is also called atomistic theory of intelligence. It considers intelligence to be a combination of numerous separate elements/ factors each one being a minute element of one ability. There are highly independent specific abilities that go into the accomplishment of different tasks. (we are borne with different abilities.) e.g auditory abilities are good for politicians and teachers.
c)Group factor theory.
It was proposed by L.L. Thurstone. It refers to a situation whereby we have factors not common to all intellectual abilities but common to certain activities compromising a group. Certain mental operations have a common primary factor which gives them psychological and functional unity and which differentiates them from other mental operations. E.g.
Verbal factors
This is concerned with comprehension of verbal relations, words or ideas
spatial factors
it involves manipulation of objects imaginative in space.
Numerical factors
It involves calculations
Memory factor
Deals with recall or memorizing this
Perpetual factors
Deals with the ability to perceive objects accurately.
Problem solving ability factor
Involves solving problems independently.
marto answered the question on April 23, 2019 at 12:51
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