Social organization: several families made up the clan
Boys and girls were initiated into adulthood through circumcision
They worshiped one supreme creator ngai who they believed was all powerful and in control of everything
Priests offered prayers though ancestral spirits from sacred places
A diviner interpreted god’s message and also foretold the future. He also offered sacrifices to god
A medicine man treated the sick and exorcised evil spirits.
Economic organization: their main economic activity was cultivation. They also kept cattle, sheep and goats
They also practiced trade. Their market day was the fourth day of their week and their important markets were Kiambu, Gakindu, Karatina and Muthithi
They were specialized blacksmiths who manufactured hoes, cowbells, knives, axes and spearheads
The women practiced basketry and pottery
Political organization: The head of the family and the controller of the home was the father
Each clan was ruled by a council of elders called a kiama
Senior elders, muramati, controlled the activities of the clan
Several elders formed a special council of elders, kiama kia athamaki, who acted as the court of appeal and administrated justice in the community. They also presided over communal sacrifice and other activities
Dana05 answered the question on April 25, 2019 at 10:47
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Name the nine communities that make up the Mijikenda.
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