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Briefly explain any three factors for migration of ethic communities in Kenya under each of the following of the following categories:


Briefly explain any three factors for migration of ethic communities in Kenya under each of the following of the following categories:



Economic factors of migration include: The search of good land for cultivation
Search of pasture and water
Trade encouraged migration to regions where it was centered
Social factors of migration include: Overpopulation and overcrowding that caused population pressure
Family or clan feuds
Religious reasons due to the influence by the direction and interpretation of the religious leaders
Political factors of migration include: Territorial expansion which was due to the production of iron tools
Military organization when the militants went out raiding
Empire building as in the case of southern Cushites who were forced to move southwards as the Ethiopian princes expanded their empire
Environmental factors of migration are: Drought and unreliable
Floods which resulted in destruction and water borne diseases
Diseases and infections such as anthrax

Dana05 answered the question on April 25, 2019 at 11:02

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