Describe the reproduction system of a bull.


Describe the reproduction system of a bull.




The testis:
- There are two testes hanging loosely between hind legs.
- Enclosed by loose skin (scrotum)scrotum regulate temperature of testis for optimum production of sperms.
- Produce spermatozoa(sperms)which are stored in coiled tube called epididymis. Epididymis: Storage of spermatozoa.
Sperm ducts:
- Conveys sperm from the testis and urine through the penis.
- sphincter muscles contract to allow each to pass separetly. Seminal vesicles produce fluid called semem. semen carries sperms out of penis in fluid form.
Prostate gland -produce fluid that neutralize the acidic effects of urine in the urethra preventing death of sperms.
Accessory glands: Include seminal vesicles cowpers gland and prostate gland. Urethra: Conveys urine and semen.
- Surrounded by a sheath which is an extension of skin.
- It introduces sperms into the vagina of a cow through the vulva during mating.
- It is a copulatory organ, also used for urination.
Kavungya answered the question on April 25, 2019 at 11:04

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