It is a non-infectious disease brought about by calcium deficiency in animals which have recently given birth.
Animals attacked: Cows, goats and pigs that have recently given birth.
Due to low calcium levels in the blood.
Which leads to an increase in the magnesium and sugar level in the blood.
Mostly occurs in high producing cows in the first few months of lactation.
This is because these animals loose more calcium through milk secretion than they are getting from the diet.
Muscular twitching causing the animal to tremble.
Staggering as the animals move.
Animal falls down ands becomes unconscious.
The animal lies down on its side and the whole body stiffens.
Body functions such as urination, defecation and milk secretion stops.
Stomach contents are drawn into the mouth which later cause lung fever when breathing in.
Loss of appetite.
Intravenous injection of soluble calcium salt in form of calcium boro-gluconate ,60gms dissolved in 500cc of water.
Keeping the animal in a comfortable position on its sternum. Giving fresh water.
Note: The animals suffering from milk fever should not be given medicine orally for the following reasons:
It will not be able to swallow medicine.
The medicine may get into the lungs thereby promoting lung fever.
Partial milking for the first 10 days.
High yielding cows should be given rations containing phosphorus and calcium. Giving high doses of Vitamin D.
Kavungya answered the question on April 26, 2019 at 09:57
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