Describe the procedure for Preparation of nitrogen using isolation from air method.


Describe the procedure for Preparation of nitrogen using isolation from air method.



- Air is driven out of the aspirator by passing water into the aspirator from a tap.
- The air is the passed through a wash bottle containing concentrated potassium hydroxide solution.
- To remove carbon (IV) oxide from air.
- The carbon (IV) oxide-free air is then passed into a combustion tube with heated copper metal.
- To remove oxygen from the air.
In this reaction the brown copper metal is oxidized to black copper (II) oxide.
- Alternatively oxygen can be removed by passing the carbon (IV) oxide-free air through pyrogallic acid.
- The remaining part of air is mainly nitrogen and is collected over water.
- Nitrogen obtained by this method contains noble gases like xenon, argon etc as impurities.
- Purer nitrogen may be obtained by heating ammonium nitrite.
Kavungya answered the question on April 26, 2019 at 14:39

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