What lessons do Christians learn from the mission of the seventy two?


List lessons that Christians learn from the mission of the seventy two.



(i) They should not force people to accept the Gospel.

(ii) Christians should rely upon the gifts and hospitality of those whom they preach.

(iii) Christians should preach peace wherever they go.

(iv) Christians should not be discouraged by hostility in evangelism.

(v) Christians should take care of God's ministers.

(vi) Christians have assurance of God's power to overcome evil.

(vii) Christians continue to receive God's revelations as they carry on with their work.

(viii) Christians should tolerate people from different backgrounds.

(ix) Christians have a duty to preach about the Kingdom of God.

(x) Christians should not waste time in carrying out the work of the church.

(xi) Christians should fellowship together.

(xii) Christians have a duty to carry on with the healing mission of Christ.

(xiii) Christians should rely on God's providence for their needs.

(xiv) Christians should separate themselves from those whom they preach.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 24, 2017 at 12:30

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