i) text section-is made up of compiled code,read in form of non volatile memory when the program is executed.
ii)data section-is made up of global variables allocated and initialized before the execution of main program.
iii)Heap section-is used for dynamic allocation of memory and managed using codes to new,delete or free.
iv)stack section-used for local variables
Softwaretech answered the question on April 27, 2019 at 08:02
- Differentiate between a process and a program(Solved)
Differentiate between a process and a program.
Date posted: April 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give at least two functions of assemblers, interpreters and compilers(Solved)
Give at least two functions of assemblers, interpreters and compilers.
Date posted: April 23, 2019. Answers (1)
- Define the term bugs as used in programming(Solved)
Define the term bugs as used in programming.
Date posted: April 23, 2019. Answers (1)
- Define the following terms as used in structured programming. (a)programming language. (b)structured programming. (c)programming paradigms(Solved)
Programming language is a set of written symbols that instructs the computer on how to perform tasks.
Structured programming is a technique of organizing computer program under which a hierarchy of modules is followed.
Programming paradigms-is the way of classifying programming languages according to the style of computer programming.
Date posted: April 23, 2019. Answers (1)
- What is an access modifier? Discuss the various types of access modifiers.(Solved)
What is an access modifier? Discuss the various types of access modifiers.
Date posted: April 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- Communication facilities in the world are systematically being upgraded from analog to digital facilities. Discuss any three reasons behind the very significant movement(Solved)
Communication facilities in the world are systematically being upgraded from analog to digital facilities. Discuss any three reasons behind the very significant movement
Date posted: April 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Describe the guidelines that assist system auditors detect and deter fraud occurrences in an organization(Solved)
Describe the guidelines that assist system auditors detect and deter fraud occurrences in an organization
Date posted: March 27, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss cryptography as used in computer networking(Solved)
Discuss cryptography as used in computer networking
Date posted: March 26, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the advantages of fiber optic cables as used in networking
Explain the advantages of fiber optic cables as used in networking
Date posted: March 26, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the concept of distributed processing in networking
Explain the concept of distributed processing in networking
Date posted: March 26, 2019. Answers (1)
- Outline the computer IP security architecture groups.(Solved)
Outline the computer IP security architecture groups.
Date posted: March 15, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the THREE stages of a computer software testing.(Solved)
Explain the THREE stages of a computer software testing.
Date posted: March 13, 2019. Answers (1)
- What is computer software testing?(Solved)
What is computer software testing?
Date posted: March 13, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain FOUR main components of computer software design.(Solved)
Explain FOUR main components of computer software design.
Date posted: March 13, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss the specifications a computer engineer should consider during computer software process model engineering.(Solved)
Discuss the specifications a computer engineer should consider during computer software process model engineering.
Date posted: March 13, 2019. Answers (1)
- State and outline 2 types of constants in c language.(Solved)
Constant is any value that cannot be changed during program execution.in c language any single character number or character string is refered to as a constant.
Constants are of two types;primary and secondary constants.
Date posted: March 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give the rules used for naming an identifier(Solved)
Identifier are user defined words used to name entities like variables,arrays,function,structures e.t.c
Date posted: March 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give 2 uses of a comment line as used in c language.(Solved)
Comment line indicates the purpose of the program and is represented as /*..........*/.
Comment line can be single or multiple line but should not be nested,can be anywhere in a program except inside a string and character constant.
Date posted: March 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- Explain the characteristics of a computer Relational Model concept.(Solved)
Explain the characteristics of a computer Relational Model concept.
Date posted: March 12, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss types of computer ER Model concepts. (Solved)
Discuss types of computer ER Model concepts.
Date posted: March 12, 2019. Answers (1)