List and explain five functions of an operating system


List and explain five functions of an operating system.



Processor scheduling;refers to allocating each job waiting for execution a processor time at a given interval.

Resource allocation;each available request is given a unique identification number called interrupt request(IRQ),poor resource allocation will result to a deadlock. A deadlock is a situation where a particular job holds a requested resource but fails to release it.

Memory management ;operating systems determines which tasks should remain in the memory waiting for execution and which should be kicked /moved in the secondary memory.

Input/output management;Operating system coordinates between various input,output and peripheral devices.

Communication control and management;operating systems is responsible for managing communication devices and provides an environment within which communication protocol operate.

Error handing;operating systems have ways of alerting user of hardware and software failures and if possible shows the user how to correct.
Softwaretech answered the question on April 27, 2019 at 08:13

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