What was the meaning of Jesus' answer to the Jewish religious leaders' question on payment of taxes to Caesar?


Explain the meaning of Jesus' answer to the Jewish religious leaders' question on payment of taxes to Caesar.



(i) Jews should be loyal to God by fulfilling their religious duties.

(ii) Jews, as citizens, also have a duty to be loyal to lawful authority.

(iii) A Christian has a dual citizenship as a member of God's Kingdom and that of the state.

(iv) Everything belongs to God and so God's claims must always be put first.

(v) The claims of God are not exclusive from that of the state.

(vi) Jews had a duty to pay taxes to the emperor because of the benefit enjoyed from the Roman rule.

(vii) Jews' possession of the official silver coin means that they had accepted Roman authority.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 25, 2017 at 08:59

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