Why did Jesus refer to the Pharasees as hypocrites?


Give the reasons why Jesus referred to the Pharisees as hypocrites.



(i) They observed the commandments for their own gain.

(ii) They followed Jesus to trap Him.

(iii) They followed the traditions of the elders as opposed to God's rules.

(iv) They emphasized on outward cleanliness as opposed to purity of heart.

(v) They altered the Law of Moses to suit their selfish motives.

(vi) They misled people.

(vii) Their negative effect on people was yet widespread.

(viii) They considered themselves self-righteous.

(ix) They exalted themselves by going about wearing long robes and seeking places of honour.

(x) They took advantages of widows and robbed them of their property.

(xi) They despised others.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 25, 2017 at 11:17

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